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Viva La Rome

Viva La Rome


This was the kids second trip to Rome, my third and Liane’s fifth, so we had a pretty good idea of what we wanted to see and do and top of the list was the Vatican City - which only Liane had been to.

If you are visiting the Vatican - a “must” in my opinion is to go very early in the morning and with a guide. The other option is to wait hours out the front in line with the general public - and if you have come all the way to Rome you don’t want to spend your precious time in a line!

The Vatican is an incredible place to visit with its opulence and incredible history but also a reminder of the separation that can be created between church deity (ordained leaders) and leity (the layperson). Im no theologian but Im quite sure that wasn’t God’s plan for His church. When I read the Bible I read about a God that loves and wants to be in relationship with me - not a God that creates barriers between Himself and his children.


While wandering the streets of Rome we came across an absolute must visit little eatery called “101 Tiramisu’s” and as the name suggests - that’s exactly what is on the menu - 101 different types of Tiramisus - amazing! This is just a tiny establishment located near Piazza Navone but well worth checking out. They also had great charcuterie plates and a nice wine list.


Being a bit of a try hard, hairy legged cyclist, I was pretty excited to see that the timing of our visit to Rome coincided with the Giro D’Italia bike race. It was awesome to be a part of the festival atmosphere and see the bright colours of the peloton pass by with all of the sounds and sights of the entourage that both clears the way and follows the pack. It was a real spectacle.

Solaris Cup - Porto Rotondo

Solaris Cup - Porto Rotondo

Rondezvous on the Gold Coast

Rondezvous on the Gold Coast