Rondezvous on the Gold Coast
Tipplers, Gold Coast
With Hannah, our eldest, having her own adventure travelling up the east coast of Oz by van, we realised her schedule would have her travelling through the Gold Coast, around the same time we planned to head overseas to Europe. Baruch, our Bavaria 56 was currently located on the Gold Coast after serving her role as my accommodation for the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games project.
We were able to align schedules and spend some beautiful days together on board Baruch anchored at Tipplers Passage. It was so good to have all five of us on board together as it had been a few months since we had seen Hannah.
I love the simplicity of life on board a yacht. Its just such an amazing place to spend time together as a family having great convos, sundowners, playing cards - such a rich environment to make precious family memories. We can spend so much of our time chasing the next thing or the next deal but when its all said and done - the greatest investment we can make into our family is our time. We are blessed we can do this on a beautiful yacht but there were families camping in tents having a pretty similar experience on the shore. Our kids don’t need a new shiny toy, game or whatever anywhere near as much as they need quality time from a parent invested with them. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy - a good deck of UNO cards can be a great way to be doing something fun while asking them how they are going.
I don’t have it all sorted and am aware that in the busyness of life I can forget these truths too - and so I am preaching to myself here but Im super thankful for the time we get to spend together mucking about on boats - its always such a rich family time.
Some tearful goodbyes were had with Hannah at Brisbane Airport and then it was off to Italy with our hearts full from our time together but also not feeling quite right as we headed overseas as a family for the first time without our eldest daughter.